Ak si chcete pozrieť, ako vyzerajú otázky z programovania v systéme CodeRunner, napíšte mail na miroslav.fikar@stuba.sk, pridám Vás medzi učiteľov v tomto kurze. Pre pozretie, ako sa správajú, sa stačí prihlásiť ako študent a spustiť jeden z testov.

CodeRunner is a free open-source question-type plug-in for Moodle that can run program code submitted by students in answer to a wide range of programming questions in many different languages. It is intended primarily for use in computer programming courses although it can be used to grade any question for which the answer is text. Experienced users can also present users with questions formatted in HTML with additional JavaScript; almost any sort of question can be accommodated using this facility.

This course provides some demonstration quizzes for the STACK question type.